Research on Sunning Your Balls
Sunning your balls may drastically increase your testosterone level and have other benefits such as an increase in Vitamin D levels. With today's men's health crisis of low testosterone, Covid related problems and many other issues, sunning your balls needs to be researched further as a natural way to heal and strengthen the body.
Links on Sunning your Balls:
Men's Health Article on Sunning Your Balls
Study from 1939
Video Analysis of 1939 Study
Our company plans on promoting, researching and selling products to further this natural trend. We are starting with simple clothing to get the message out. I'm currently experimenting with lights to sun your balls with so that those in the cold north can get some testosterone and vitamin D in the winter.
This company started because I had to flee Kyiv, Ukraine where I had a large apartment and a great job. I returned to the United States to find out I had lost a few other things as well. After some reflection and going to Cartagena, Colombia for 3 months, I decided that I wanted to use the domain ( that I had owned for a while. I buy domains but this was the only one anyone had offered to buy from me, before anything was even put on it.
I rented a modest loft in centro historico in Cartagena. The loft included a private balcony where I could sun my balls without restraint or modesty. My day would go as follows:
1.) I would wake up in my historic loft to the sound of the ocean.
2.) I would make coffee.
3.) I would walk up to the top of the loft and sun my balls.
I noticed that I had felt great this whole time. I had tons of energy and was fully at peace. I had researched the benefits of sunning your balls and sunning in general to the extent that there is information available for it, but this is the first time I can say personally that it is NATURAL MEDICINE, although I cannot prove it yet. I will try to.
With Covid, everyone sick, everyone not trusting their doctor and more problems these last few years, I had wondered:
"Is the sun maybe the answer to many health issues? Is the answer to our health looking at us right from the sky?"
There is evidence that the sun increases Vitamin D and testosterone from studies that I have linked above, but it needs to be explored further. I invite you to help me explore this issue further.
Loft Street View from balcony
Roof Balcony
Commissioned Artwork of the Founding of Sun Your Balls.
I invite you to stay a while. Perhaps consider purchases or write for SYB News, my blog on this issue of health and sunning your balls. Thank you for stopping by and please leave a comment in the contact page if you have any suggestions or would like to contribute.
Thank you!